Friday, March 11, 2011

FREAK FACTOR is the home to a recent article we read for class. The article is called "FREAK FACTOR: Discovering your uniqueness by Flaunting weakness" by David Rendell's.

This article gives nine ways to utilize your weaknesses. Rendell argues that weaknesses are what make people unique, and we shouldn't waste our time trying to fix them. Instead, we should focus on our strength, and act on those.

3. Flawless: There's nothing wrong with you
While reading this section I began to think of flaws in a whole new light. Rendell emphasizes that every negative in our lives also have a positive correspondent. Interesting. Thinking this way is like finding the silver lining. I like the idea of everyone having their own uniqueness, their own flaws. Rendell states that being well-rounded or flawless, is both undesirable and impossible. EVERYONE has their own issues and nobody is truly flawless. It was interesting for me to process this because I often perceive people as pretty well-rounded, some even seem flawless. But to know that that is not the case is almost a sigh of relief. Its nice to be assured that everyone has their demons, and its okay to have them.

4. Forget it: Don't try to fix your weaknesses...
I enjoyed reading this part of the article because I can relate to it, everyone can. Rendell recommends that we not try and eliminate our weaknesses, instead we deal with them. We deal with them because with each weakness comes a corresponding strength. I agree with this concept. I have tried for the past three years to narrow in on my weaknesses and conquer them. And although I have made some progress, the weaknesses are still there, and they are still weaknesses. It's a weird point when you realize that the way you feel isn't a phase, it's actually just who you have become. Trying to change who you have become will get you nowhere.

7. Find the right spot
This section clicked with me. It makes so much sense. Rendell discusses the importance of finding a spot that suits you. For instance, if you don't like being in the spotlight, then find a place where you can do your thing but still be out of the limelight.  He encourages to find a place where you can capitalize on your strengths, but also abide by your weaknesses. This was relieving to read in a way because I thought I was weak for wanting to find a career that met the needs of my weaknesses. But what I didn't realize was that in turn my strengths would shine through. Rendell nailed it when he used Rudolph as an example. He was a freak until his nose turned into a strength. He found the right spot.

Its funny to try and note my own weaknesses, mainly because I feel like I have so many! I double think everything I do. I worry too much about what other people will think. I worry about assumptions I make that probably aren't even true. Sometimes I think I might be too calm. I rarely get angry, which seems good on the surface, but anger is natural....soooo? I don't like being in the spotlight. I feel I work my best when I am comfortable with my surroundings. I need to work on finding my spot and then take it step by step from there.

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