Friday, March 11, 2011

Game Presentation - Strengths and Flaws

For the most part, I was pleased with our game presentation. I think we did a good job in conveying the "feel" of the game and expectancy of the experience. The of the only things we did not convey well was the "item" part of it. In our racing game, much like other racing games, you can collect items and use them against other racers. We mentioned this to the class, but didn't go any deeper then that. This is partially because we didn't fully develop the items you can get. In retrospect I think we should have. Because throughout our presentation we were mentioning "firing weapons" and "collecting items", but didn't care to explain them further. That had to be some what confusing. Another issue was our actual presentation. If we presented it to a classroom, which we did, than I think we did well. But the point was to present it as if we were selling the game. We definitely did not do this, and for that we were deducted points.

While coming up with the concept for this game, it was mandatory to talk amongst our group. The synergy between our group was pretty good I thought. Everyone was open to everyones ideas and nobody really presented the "my way or the highway" mentality. I will say since our game was a racing game, it wasn't hard to determine rules, mechanics, and objectives. Because racing games often share similar concepts inherently. The only road blocks we ran into were developing the goals. We didn't want to complete rip off other games like Mario Kart or Diddy Kong racing, so we had to develop a different system. Emily came up with the idea of "mini-goals" within each race. If you complete the "mini-goal", than you receive an item. This was original because it was far different then just running into a balloon to get an item. Also, as a group we decided to have a point system for tricks. The more tricks you do, the more points you get. Once you get enough points, you can upgrade you vehicle.

I really like the idea for our controller. The center of the controller has a gyro ball in it, much like Golden Tee. In the game, when you go off a ramp, you can slap the gyro ball causing your character to flip all over the place. But, the user must also stop the gyro ball and level out the character so they can land correctly, and in turn earn points toward a new vehicle. I just thought this was a very original idea all around.

In the end I can't complain about my group. We worked very well together and everyone pulled their weight.

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