Friday, March 11, 2011

Hero/Villian Analysis

Colin Mercer's Blog

Colin's superhero and villain were named Lightning Man and Puck. Lightning man was obviously the superhero, and Puck was the villain. At first glance, it isn't hard to determine who is good and who is evil. Puck's coloring completely describes the type of "being" he is. His brightness is much darker than Lighting Man. Lighting Man contrasts Puck with his bright red and yellow suit. Immediately when comparing the two drawings, the viewer can determine a designed mood. Puck looks sad, anger, ugly, and grimacing. His entire color scheme is different saturations of black. Lightning Man on the other hand is bright, colorful, and generally looks more friendly so to speak. I think this team did a good job in conveying who was who in terms of good and evil.

Mike Mytnick's Blog

Next I looked at Mike Mytnick's blog. His hero and villain were Icarus and Shadow Puppet. Right off the bat, the names give away the hero and villain. Iracus is the well-lit hero who shares an affinity of coloring with Colin's Lightning Man. Shadow Puppet on the other hand is...well...more shadowed. He has a dark black and purple color scheme and overall just looks evil. He just looks like he is full of despair. Icarus however is well-lit and mainly all yellow. Icarus can shoot light I believe, which helps convey his character. Light in general, along with the coloring of yellow, symbolizes "good" and "heavenly" to me. So when looking at these characters I actively decided that Icarus is the good guy. Again, Mike and Amanda did a great job of conveying there characters in the way they intended.

Chris Page's Blog

Lastly, I took a look at Chris Page's characters. His hero and villain are named Spark and Hotspot. When I look at these characters, I can guess which one is good and which one is evil, but I am not entirely sure. I would guess, based on the coloring, that Hotpot is the hero here. He is brighter, and thats about it. The characters look very similar, but Spark is much darker. I believe Spark can shoot lightning, however Hotspot I believe Hotspot can shoot fire. So going off of their superpowers, I'm not sure which one is "good" or "evil". Since I am going with the assumption that Hotspot is the hero, I would suggest giving him a happier expression. The picture of him looks like he is worried, which is uncharacteristic of a hero. But, from overall mood that I got from the pictures, I can say that I actively came to the conclusion Hotspot is the hero. So I suppose the design works if I am right....The drawings are really good though, just a few adjustments I think should be made to really make the hero POP!

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